Why is SuperHuman BootCamp so affordable?

Armie C.

Last Update 3 yıl önce

To help make this program more affordable for anyone and everyone who wants it, we’ve removed our flagship, “MasterClass” courses (which range from $297 to $997 each) from the membership and replaced them with "light but comprehensive" versions of the same programs.

This means that the following courses are not included in your membership

• The SuperLearner MasterClass

• The Speed Demon MasterClass

• Build Your SuperHuman Body: The MasterClass

• Digital Zen: The MasterClass

• Ultimate Advantage: The MasterClass

• Dominate Your Procrastination

With that said, all of these programs (except “Dominate Your Procrastination”) have been replaced by “slimmed down” versions of the same course - just without all the bells and whistles of the MasterClass edition. 

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